TOP Sustainability Society
Diversity & Inclusion

Diversity & Inclusion

The Tokyo Seimitsu Group believes that diverse perspectives and ideas stimulate each other and create new value.
Therefore, we shall respect the personality and individuality of employees and shall not discriminate on the basis of gender, age, nationality, ethnicity, race, physical or mental disability, gender identity, culture, religion, ideological or political beliefs, national origin or family background, etc. In order to realize a workplace where all employees can work safely and with a sense of purpose, we are promoting various initiatives that embrace diversity.


Target 1: Increase the percentage of female regular employee hires to 20% or more (achieve by fiscal 2025)
Target 2: Increase the percentage of female regular employees to 10% or more (achieve by fiscal 2025)


Index FY2020 results FY2021 results FY2022 results FY2023 results
Percentage of female managers 1.5 1.9 2.4 2.1
Percentage of female officers 7.7 7.7 15.4 16.7
Percentage of female regular employee hires 6.1 17.0 18.3 22.2
Percentage of female regular employees 6.4 7.4 8.5 10.3
Number of hours of career training for full-time female employees 87 938
Percentage of employment of persons with disabilities* 1.94 1.95 2.07 2.17
Number of retirees 5 4


Number of retirees re-hired via re-employment contract 7 10 20 25
Percentage of retirees re-hired 58.3 71.4 69.0 89.3

Scope: Full-time employees of Tokyo Seimitsu Co., Ltd.
* Data depicted in the table are current as of June 1 of each year. The Act to Facilitate the Employment of Persons with Disabilities stipulates that employment of  one individual with a serious disability is equivalent to employing two individuals for purposes of calculating the number of associates with disabilities and percentage of employment.


Promotion of Women’s Participation and Advancement

To increase the number of women among our core human resources, we believe we must urgently increase our recruitment of full-time female employees and improve the environment for such employees. To drive this effort, we have formulated the “Action Plan for Promoting Employment and Careers of Women” (FY2021–2025) and set targets to be achieved by the end of fiscal 2025. In addition, we are working to create awareness within the Company toward the advancement of female employees and to support them.

Action Plan for Promoting Employment and Careers of Women

Initiatives for the Promotion of Women’s Participation and Advancement

Career training for full-time female employees
Career training for full-time female employees

Hiring of women
new graduate recruitment

  • Completely redesign the recruitment section of our website in order to increase the female recruitment rate improve students’ interested in the Company
  • Utilize scouting service to increase opportunities for connecting with science-oriented women
  • Conduct interviews for women who are interested in the Company with female employees so that they can have a clearer idea of what it is like to work at the Company

Support for the career
development of female employees

  • Conduct career development training for women
  • Raise awareness of the development of female subordinates through human resource development training for superiors
  • Introduction of external counseling services in April 2022 (these services can be utilized by all employees, not only women)

Opportunities for female
employees to interact with each other

  • Promote opportunities for female employees to interact with each other through activities such as women's career development training
  • Select female senior employees as partners for new female employees and promote opportunities for them to interact through regular interviews and other means

Employment of Persons with Disabilities

We have established an organization centered on people with disabilities, and are striving to expand and retain employment and improve the working environment. In addition, we established a support system in fiscal 2022 that enables employees with disabilities to work independently by assigning full-time instructors.

Initiatives for Employment of Persons with Disabilities

In-house training courses for the development of job supporters for people with mental disorders or developmental disabilities
In-house training courses for the development of
job supporters for people
with mental disorders or developmental disabilities


  • Conduct workplace tours and practical training in cooperation with employment support agencies, special needs schools, etc. Also, conduct periodic interviews regarding workplace retention.

Job creation

  • Promote understanding of employment and job creation through discussion with divisions that do not have persons with disabilities, and submit job requirements to Hello Work
  • Promote mutual understanding through workplace tours and practical training


  • Have employees in the host department participate in a supporter training course to strengthen the hosting system.
  • Introduction of full-time instructors for persons with disabilities

Re-Employment System for Retirees

Tokyo Seimitsu has introduced a re-employment system that allows employees to continue working as part-time employees after retirement. We have established a system that enables employees to play an active role by making use of the knowledge, technology, and know-how cultivated over many years.


TOP Sustainability Society
Diversity & Inclusion