6. Information Disclosure

6. Information Disclosure


ACCRETECH Group continuously makes efforts to communicate actively with customers, shareholders, investors, communities, societies, employees, suppliers, business partners, and other stakeholders and discloses its corporate information in intelligible manner to obtain understanding and trust from them.


ACCRETECH Group shall make timely, fair, and accurate information disclosure on its financial records and business situations to gain trust from customers, securities markets, shareholders, investors, suppliers and other stakeholders.


ACCRETECH Group shall select appropriate measures to obtain correct understanding and conduct public relations activities honestly based on correct information.


ACCRETECH Group shall provide correct and prompt information on its products and services to ensure their safety, quality and benefits to customers.


ACCRETECH Group shall make accurate disclosure on management policy, business situations, CSR and other activities, and other corporate information and fulfill its accountability to all stakeholders (such as customers, shareholders, investors, employees, communities/societies, employees, suppliers, business partners, government officials, etc.).

6. Information Disclosure