TOP Sustainability
Policy and Guidelines

Policy and Guidelines

Basic Sustainability Policy

Through the business activities that we conduct based on our corporate philosophy "Growing together with partners and customers by collaborating technology, knowledge and information to create the world’s No.1 products.", "we at the Tokyo Seimitsu Group build WIN-WIN relationships with all stakeholders, including customers, shareholders, suppliers, employees, and local and international communities. We are committed to playing an active role in achieving a sustainable society as well as to increasing our corporate value.


1. Efforts to Address Environmental Issues
2. Earning the Trust of Society
3. Respect for Human Rights

Basic Environmental Policy

In all business activities, extending from manufacturing products such as semiconductor manufacturing equipment and precision measuring instruments through the provision of services, everyone at Tokyo Seimitsu must always work with the consideration for "Is this action friendly for the earth?" The goal is to reduce our impact on the earth's environment to the absolute minimum.

Environmental Policy


We will resolutely drive environmental conservation activities by organizing an environmental management structure having "the Environmental Management Committee" as the top, in which all managers play the key role.

Tokyo Seimitsu Group Human Rights Policy


Basic views on human rights
The Tokyo Seimitsu Group respects the human rights of all the people belonging to all its stakeholders, including socially vulnerable people, without regard for the attributes of individuals such as gender and nationality. We also promote the creation of safe, healthy, and rewarding workplaces where each member of our diverse workforce can demonstrate their capabilities to the utmost.


Support and respect for international human rights norms;
compliance with local labor laws and regulations The Tokyo Seimitsu Group supports and respects the internationally recognized "International Bill of Human Rights," "the International Labor Organization (ILO) Declaration on Fundamental Principles and Rights at Work," which sets forth core labor standards, and "the UN Guiding Principles on Business and Human Rights (UNGPs)." We will commit ourselves to a respect for human rights. We also fully comply with all labor-related laws in the regions in which we operate, respect the basic rights of workers, and do not infringe on them. Should there be any inconsistencies between the laws and regulations of a given country or region and internationally recognized human rights, the Tokyo Seimitsu Group will seek ways to respect international human rights principles while complying with local laws. 

Quality Policy

At both of our plants, we set quality targets and conduct quality control in line with the quality policy set by our Quality Officer, and work to improve the quality of products and support.

Basic Philosophy


Procurement Policy

In providing high-performance, high-quality products and services to customers, the Tokyo Seimitsu Group deepens partnerships with all suppliers through procurement, builds mutual cooperation and trust, and forges relationships that allow us to grow and develop together.

Human Resource Development Policy

The mission of the Group includes: “Growing together with partners and customers by collaborating technology, knowledge, and information to create the world’s No.1 products,” and “WIN–WIN relationships create the world’s No.1 products”

Gain a high level of trust by facing customers' issues and solving them;

Accept diverse values and see things from the other person's point of view to draw out mutual strengths and cooperate with each other; and

Connect their own ideas to technical and business innovations, aim for high goals, and grow autonomously

Basic Policy on Corporate Governance

Core Policies


The Board of Directors strives to properly perform its roles and responsibilities to make transparent, fair, timely, and committed decisions.


The Group respects the rights of shareholders and ensures the equality of shareholders.


The Group strives to have constructive dialogue with shareholders on investment policy that considers mid to long-term returns for shareholders.

Risk Management


The Tokyo Seimitsu Group strives to prevent the occurrence of potential risks. If any risk has become apparent, President  and all employees work in unison to take prompt and prudent action.


If any risk has become apparent, priority is given to protection and saving of human life.

TOP Sustainability
Policy and Guidelines