9. Insider Trading

9. Insider Trading


ACCRETECH Group shall prohibit ACCRETECH Officers and Employees from trading in shares, bonds, or other securities of ACCRETECH Group by themselves, or through their family, friends, or other acquaintances while in possession of nonpublic information (financial situation such as profit/loss, any changes on shares, alliance with other organizations, acquisitions, new products, R&D progress, etc.) about ACCRETECH Group obtained through their duties before such information is made public.


ACCRETECH Group shall prohibit ACCRETECH Officers and Employees from trading in shares, bonds, or other securities of other companies by themselves, or through their family, friends, or other acquaintances while in possession of nonpublic information about other companies obtained through their duties before such information is made public.


ACCRETECH Group shall prohibit ACCRETECH Officers and Employees from disclosing nonpublic information about ACCRETECH Group or other companies obtained through their duties to their family, friends, or other acquaintances, or inducing their family, friends, or other acquaintances to trade in shares, bonds, or other securities of ACCRETECH Group or other companies.

9. Insider Trading