11. Preservation of Company Assets

11. Preservation of Company Assets


ACCRETECH Officers and Employees are responsible for properly managing company assets and protecting them from any loss, damage, misuse, theft, sabotage, or falsification. This covers both tangible assets such as facilities, equipment, supplies, and systems, and intangible assets such as brand, intellectual property, confidential or personal information as well as fund and capital.


ACCRETECH Group shall prohibit ACCRETECH Officers and Employees from using company assets for their own personal benefit, for any reason other than legitimate purposes, knowingly damaging, misusing, losing, sabotaging, falsifying or stealing them, or taking them out without obtaining prior permission of ACCRETECH Group.


To the extent permitted under applicable laws, ACCRETECH Group shall reserve the right to monitor and inspect how its assets are used by ACCRETECH Officers and Employees, including inspection of all e-mail, data and files kept on PCs or other network terminals.

11. Preservation of Company Assets