Corporate Governance
As a corporate citizen trusted by the international community, the Tokyo Seimitsu Group recognizes that enhancing corporate governance to develop fair and highly transparent management activities is vital.
Following corporate governance basic policy, the Tokyo Seimitsu Group is working to build effective corporate governance structures and systems.
Basic Policy on Corporate Governance
Core Policies
The Board of Directors strives to properly perform its roles and responsibilities to make transparent, fair, timely and committed decisions.
The Group respects the rights of shareholders and ensures the equality of shareholders.
The Group strives to have constructive dialogue with shareholders on investment policy that considers medium to long-term returns for shareholders.
The Group strives to maintain appropriate collaboration with stakeholders (customers, suppliers, employees, creditors, local communities, etc.) other than shareholders.
The Group strives to ensure proper information disclosure and transparency.
Basic Policy on Corporate Governance (in full)
Corporate Governance Structure
Tokyo Seimitsu has adopted a company structure with an audit and supervisory committee.
For dealing with matters that do not fall under the criteria for submission to the Board of Directors, the Company has adopted an Executive Officer System to speed up the decision-making process by delegating a large amount of authority to the Head of each company after defining their scope of duties and authority in accordance with the relevant regulations of the Company. In addition, the Executive Management Meeting strives to share information and enhance deliberations across company divisions. In addition, various cross-company committees such as the Risk Management Committee and the Compliance Committee have been established to examine and monitor material issues from various perspectives to make appropriate decisions.
Corporate Governance Structure

Board of Directors
The Board of Directors is composed of eight directors who are not Audit and Supervisory Committee members (two of whom are external directors) and four directors who are Audit and Supervisory Committee members (of whom three are external directors), with the CEO serving as the chairman. The Board of Directors holds regular monthly meetings, and extraordinary meetings are also held as necessary. The Board of Directors convened 16 times in fiscal 2023.
The Board of Directors deliberates on important matters related to management as stipulated by law, the Articles of Incorporation, and the Board of Directors Regulations, as well as monthly, periodic, and annual business results, and supervises the execution of business by each director.
Main Agenda Items in FY2023
Business Portfolio Management
Business planning (development, equipment, personnel, expenses, etc.)
Execution of a consulting agreement for the preparation of the 2023 Sustainability Report / Integrated Report
Disclosure of sustainability information in the Securities Report
Reported on the results of activities of the Sustainability Committee in FY2022
Newly established the Supply Chain Team of the Sustainability Department and hired managers for the new team
Company-Wide Risk Management
Report on the results of the activities of the “Compliance Committee” and “Risk Management Committee” conducted in the second half of fiscal 2022 and report on the activities of the Compliance Committee and Risk Management Committee planned for fiscal 2023
Report on the implementation status of the “Basic Policy on Internal Control Systems”
Establishment of “Whistleblower Contact Point Regulations”
Report on the results of the activities of the “Compliance Committee” and “Risk Management Committee” conducted in the first half of fiscal 2023
Other items
Assessment of the effectiveness of the board of directors
Disclosure of the Corporate Governance Report
Questionnaire to evaluate the effectiveness of the Board of Directors
Partial revision of the “Director Compensation Regulations” and “Basic Policy on Corporate Governance”
Attendance of Board of Directors Meetings by External Directors
Kiyoshi Takamasu
Attended 16/16 meetings
Shozo Saito
Attended 4/4 meetings*¹
Kazuya Mori
Attended 12/12 meetings*²
Yuriko Sagara
Attended 16/16 meetings
Masaki Sunaga
Attended 16/16 meetings
Tsuneko Murata
Attended 16/16 meetings
*¹ Retired on June 26, 2023
*² 12 meetings held after Mr. Mori’s appointment
Audit and Supervisory Committee
As an independent body, the Audit and Supervisory Committee audits and supervises the execution of business by Directors other than Audit and Supervisory Committee Members. The Audit Department and the accounting auditor exchange opinions on the audit system to determine whether there are problems in auditing, issues, and other matters as needed, and strive to enhance the effectiveness of audits. At the same time, the Audit and Supervisory Committee receives regular reports on findings and related information from internal audits conducted in accordance with the annual audit plan.
In fiscal 2023, we conducted business audits of domestic subsidiaries as we recognized the importance of strengthening the governance of subsidiaries in auditing the construction and operation of internal control systems at subsidiaries. No issues were found during the audits.
Committee Chairman
Internal Director
Four (three external directors in addition to the Committee Chairman)
Frequency of meetings
Once every two to three months (convened 15 times in FY2023)
Attendance of Board of Directors Meetings by External Directors
Yuriko Sagara
Attended 15/15 meetings
Masaki Sunaga
Attended 15/15 meetings
Tsuneko Murata
Attended 15/15 meetings
Nomination and Compensation Council
The Company has established a Nomination and Compensation Council as a voluntary committee for the purpose of clarifying the independence, objectivity, and accountability of the Board of Directors functions, especially in nomination and compensation to directors. Independent external corporate directors are in the majority (now five members are independents external corporate directors) on the council, helping to realize deliberations fully independent from management.
Committee Chairman
External Director
Directors who are Audit and Supervisory Committee Members and external directors
Frequency of meetings
Held 5 meetings
Deliberates and reports to the Board of Directors on matters related to nomination of directors, including appointments and dismissals
Deliberates on and determines the standard of compensation amount per post for director compensation
Deliberates and reports to the Board of Directors on matters related to director compensation policies, etc.
Executive Management Meeting and Executive Officers’ Committee
The Company has in place an executive officer system to make speedy decisions on product development planning to respond quickly and flexibly to market trends. In addition to supervising the progress of business plans at regular monthly meetings of the Executive Management Meeting and Executive Officers’ Meeting, the Executive Officers’ Meeting aims to share information across the Company and enhance Executive Officers’ Meeting deliberations.
Various Committees
Compliance Committee
Executive Vice President and CFO
Frequency of meetings
Six times a year (11 times in fiscal 2023, including extraordinary meetings)
Revises the “ACCRETECH Group Code of Conduct” and other rules and regulations
Deliberates on compliance-related education/training plans and the status of related initiatives
Establishes relevant sections and related organizations that deal with major laws, regulations, and social norms related to business operations, and ensures thorough compliance with laws and regulations
In the event of compliance-related misconduct, the Compliance Committee reports the details of the misconduct and the measures taken to the Board of Directors and the Audit and Supervisory Committee
Risk Management Committee
President and COO
Frequency of meetings
Six times a year plus extraordinary meetings as necessary (6 times in fiscal 2023)
Receives reports on the prevention of the occurrence of potential risks from sections related to risk, etc.
Reports to the Board of Directors on the agenda of regular committee meetings as necessary
Reports the details of the risk and countermeasures to the Board of Directors the Audit and Supervisory Committee when a report on the materialization of a risk is received and immediately establishes a “Risk Response Team” as necessary
Information Security Committee
Executive Vice President and CFO
Frequency of meetings
Twice a year
Establishes information security management systems
Establishes information security regulations
Promotes and maintains a system for implementing information security measures, related education and training, regular evaluation, and continuous improvement
Quality Management Committee
Director in Charge of Quality (Executive Vice President and CFO)
Frequency of meetings
Twice a year
Deliberates on the adequacy and effectiveness of the quality management system
Continuously improves the performance and effectiveness of the quality management system
Promotes the continuous maintenance and improvement of the quality of our products, services, and operations
Environment Management Committee
Executive Vice President and CFO
Frequency of meetings
Twice a year
Deliberates on and promotes environmental management activities performed at the Hachioji Plant, Hanno Plant, Tsuchiura Plant, and Furudono Plant
Checks status of compliance with environmental laws and regulations and the progress of environmental impact reduction activities
Creates and implements Environmental Management System and continuously improves it
Safety and Health Committee
General safety and health managers
(Plant manager of Hachioji Plant, Plant manager of Hanno Plant, and Plant manager of Tsuchiura Plant)
Frequency of meetings
Once a month
Maintains and improves safe and comfortable work environments
Establishes a system for ensuring safety and managing the health of our employees by appointing legal managers and specialized committees to raise awareness of safety and health in the workplace and to maintain and promote health
Diversity of the Board of Directors
External directors | ![]() |
5 | ![]() |
Women (percentage of female directors) | ![]() |
2 (16.7%) | ![]() |
Foreigners (percentage of directors holding foreign nationality) | ![]() |
1 (8.3%) | ![]() |
Diversity (percentage of female directors and directors holding foreign nationality) | ![]() |
3 (25.0%) | ![]() |
Reasons for Appointment of External Directors
June 2024
Name |
Audit and Supervisory |
Independent |
Supplementary information |
Reasons for appointment |
Yuriko Sagara |
○ |
○ |
─ |
The Company has designated Ms. Yuriko Sagara as an Independent Director based on the judgment that there is no risk of conflict of interest with general shareholders since she has never had a certain interest in the Company, i.e., experience of being engaged in providing legal, tax, and other consultancy services for the Company, nor does she have any close relative who has a relationship with the Company. |
Kiyoshi Takamasu |
○ |
─ |
The Company has designated Mr. Kiyoshi Takamasu as an Independent Director based on the judgment that there is no risk of conflict of interest with general shareholders since he has never had a certain interest in the Company, i.e., has no current or past experience of executing business with a major business partner or shareholder of the Company, or the same corporation, nor does he have any close relative who has a relationship with the Company. |
Masaki Sunaga |
○ |
○ |
─ |
The Company has designated Mr. Masaki Sunaga as an Independent Director based on the judgment that there is no risk of conflict of interest with general shareholders since he has never had a certain interest in the Company, i.e., been engaged in providing accounting, auditing, tax, and other consultancy services for the company, nor does he have any close relative who has a relationship with the Company. |
Kazuya Mori |
○ |
Although the Company has transactions with Japan Semiconductor Corporation, where Mr. Mori was an executive officer in the past, those transactions account for less than 2% of consolidated net sales. Mr. Mori retired from Japan Semiconductor Corporation three years ago and is no longer an executive of that company. |
Currently, Mr. Mori does not have a certain interest in the Company, i.e., he does not execute any business with the Company’s major business partners or major shareholders or the same corporation, nor does he have any close relatives related to the company. He meets the Company’s independence criteria and is designated as an independent director because there is no risk of a conflict of interest with general shareholders. |
Motoko Kawasaki |
○ |
○ |
Although the Company has transactions with FUJIFILM Holdings Corporation and FUJIFILM Corporation, where Ms. Kawasaki was an executive officer in the past, those transactions account for less than 2% of consolidated net sales. Ms. Kawasaki retired from FUJIFILM Holdings Corporation and FUJIFILM Corporation three years ago and is no longer an executive of those companies. |
Currently, Ms. Kawasaki does not have a certain interest in the Company, i.e., she does not execute any business with the Company’s major business partners or major shareholders or the same corporation, nor does she have any close relatives related to the company. She meets the Company’s independence criteria and is designated as an independent director because there is no risk of a conflict of interest with general shareholders. |
Selection Criteria for Directors and Audit & Supervisory Board Members
In selecting Directors of the Company, regardless of individual attributes such as gender and nationality, persons with superior dignity, ethics, and insight are selected, and are well versed in corporate management and the Company’s business, or persons with extensive experience in their respective fields of expertise. External Director candidates are those who are capable of fulfilling the function of supervising management from an independent standpoint outside the Company and providing advice on the Company’s corporate activities based on their abundant experience and deep insight.
Constitution of the Board of Directors (Skills/Matrix)
Name | Age |
External director |
Major past experience | Board of Directors | Audit and Supervisory Committee | Nomination and Compensation Council |
Skills and experiences | ||||||||
Corporate management/ Management strategy |
Industry knowledge | Technology/intellectual property/Manufacturing |
Sales/Marketing | International Business/ Grobal Experience |
Accounting/Finance | Legal/ Risk Management |
Personnel/Labor/Human resource development |
IT/ Information systems |
Hitoshi Yoshida | 64 | Measurement technology | ○ | ○ | ○ | ○ | ○ | ○ | ○ | ||||||
Ryuichi Kimura | 61 | Semiconductor sales | ○ | ○ | ○ | ○ | ○ | ||||||||
Koichi Kawamura | 66 | Financial institutions | ○ | ○ | ○ | ○ | ○ | ○ | |||||||
Takahiro Hokida | 62 | Semiconductor technology | ○ | ○ | ○ | ○ | ○ | ○ | |||||||
Shuichi Tsukada | 65 | Metrology equipment production | ○ | ○ | ○ | ||||||||||
Romi Pradhan | 55 | ● | Overseas subsidiary management |
○ | ○ | ○ | ○ | ○ | |||||||
Kiyoshi Takamasu | 69 | ◎ | Academic | ○ | ○ | ○ | ○ | ○ | |||||||
Kazuya Mori | 64 | ◎ | Corporate management | ○ | ○ | ○ | ○ | ○ | ○ | ||||||
Shinji Akimoto | 60 | Human resources | ○ | ○ | ○ | ○ | |||||||||
Yuriko Sagara | 49 | ◎○ | Attorney | ○ | ○ | ○ | ○ | ○ | ○ | ||||||
Masaki Sunaga | 62 | ◎ | Certified public accountant/ Tax accountant |
○ | ○ | ○ | ○ | ○ | ○ | ||||||
Motoko Kawasaki | 63 | ◎○ | Corporate management | ○ | ○ | ○ | ○ | ○ |
Ages current as of the end of June 2024/Independent External Corporate Director: ◎ Female: 〇 Foreigner: ●
Note: This matrix represents the areas in which we expect each Director to have more expertise and play a more active role, based on their experience and other factors. This matrix does not represent all the knowledge and experience of each person.
Director Compensation
The Company has established policies and procedures for determining the amount of remuneration, etc. for directors in its “Basic Policy on Corporate Governance.” For details about the policy, compensation structure, etc., please refer to the Basic Policy on Corporate Governance.
Basic Policy on Corporate Governance (in full)
Process for Determining Compensation
The Board of Directors delegates the task of determining the compensation structure and compensation standards for each position to the Compensation Planning Committee, consisting of the representative directors and some other directors.
To ensure transparency and objectivity, the proposal of Directors’ compensation amounts and related matters (such as compensation amount per post), and the amount for each directors’ base compensation, performance-based compensation and stock compensation shall be deliberated on by the Nomination and Compensation Council, consisting of directors serving as an Audit and Supervisory Committee members and external corporate directors.
Compensation amounts for directors serving as an Audit and Supervisory Committee members will be mutually discussed and resolved among directors served as an Audit and Supervisory Committee members.
Among the remuneration paid to directors responsible for business execution, the formula for restricted stock, which is a medium- to long-term incentive to share profits with shareholders, was revised to incorporate capital efficiency (ROE) in 2023 and revised to incorporate ESG score* in 2024.
* ESG score
Score given for the status of ESG activities (score by the Nomination and Compensation Council: 0.9 to 1.1)
Total Amount of Compensation by Officer Category, Total Amount of Compensation by Type, and Number of Officers in Each Category
Officer category | Total amount of compensation (million yen) |
Total amount of compensation by type (million yen) | Number of officers in this category (persons) |
Base compensation |
Performance-based compensation |
Stock options |
Restricted stock compensation |
Non-monetary compensation (among forms of compensation listed to the left) | |||
Director (excluding Audit and Supervisory Committee members and external directors) |
573 | 234 | 179 | 141 | 17 | 158 | 8 |
Director (Audit and Supervisory Committee member)(excluding external directors) | 22 | 22 | ─ | ─ | ─ | ─ | 1 |
External director | 42 | 42 | ─ | ─ | ─ | ─ | 6 |
Notes 1.
The number of directors includes two persons who retired at the conclusion of the 100th Regular Shareholders’ Meeting held on June 26, 2023.
The number of directors (Audit and Supervisory Committee members) includes one person who retired at the conclusion of the 100th Regular Shareholders’ Meeting held on June 26, 2023.
The maximum amount of compensation for directors (excluding directors who are Audit and Supervisory Committee members) was resolved at the 98th Regular Shareholders’ Meeting (held on June 21, 2021) to be no more than 480 million yen per year (including 70 million yen for external directors) and a separate limit of 300 million yen per year for non-monetary compensation (restricted stock and stock options). At the conclusion of the general meeting of shareholders, there were nine directors (excluding directors who are audit and supervisory committee members) (including two external directors).
The maximum amount of remuneration for directors who are members of the Audit and Supervisory Committee was resolved at the 96th Regular Shareholders’ Meeting (held on June 24, 2019) to be within 60 million yen per year. At the conclusion of the general meeting of shareholders, there were four directors that are Audit and Supervisory Committee members.
Individual compensation for directors (excluding directors who are Audit and Supervisory Committee members) is determined by the Board of Directors after consultation with the Advisory Council in accordance with the basic compensation policies, compensation structure, and decision-making process for compensation. The Company has determined that this is done in accordance with the basic policy.
The indicator for performance-linked compensation is net profit attributable to owners of the parent that is directly linked to the return of profits to shareholders.
Total Amount of Consolidated Compensation for Each Officer
Name | Total amount of consolidated compensation (million yen) |
Officer category |
Company category |
Total amount of consolidated compensation by type (million yen) | ||||
Base compensation |
Performance-based compensation |
Stock options |
Restricted stock compensation |
Non-monetary compensation |
Hitoshi Yoshida |
149 | Director | Reporting company |
60 | 48 | 37 | 3 | 41 |
Ryuichi Kimura |
149 | Director | Reporting company |
60 | 48 | 37 | 3 | 41 |
Koichi Kawamura |
128 | Director | Reporting company |
51 | 40 | 32 | 3 | 36 |
Notes 1.
The table above only includes officers whose total amount of consolidated compensation, etc. is 100 million yen or more.
Amounts indicated with figures below one million yen omitted.
Related Party Transactions, Etc.
The Company shall not be engaged in any transactions with Directors and/or major shareholders that may damage the interests of the Company or the common interests of the shareholders, as indicated in “(7) Related Party Transactions” in “2. Directors and Boards” of the Basic Policy on Corporate Governance. When a Director is intending to enter into a transaction with the Company for him/herself or for any third parties, the Director shall obtain prior approval of the Board of Directors according to the rules of the Board of Directors, and report important facts in that transaction at the board meeting. Terms and conditions for the transaction may be determined in the same manner as a transaction with third parties.
To identify any transactions involving a conflict of interest by Directors, the Company checks annually and regularly existence of such transactions (excluding director compensation) between the Company Group and Directors or their family members within the second degree of kinship.
When the Company is intending to enter transactions between the Company and major shareholders or other related parties, then it shall be approved in advance by personnel with authority commensurate with the importance and scale of the transaction in accordance with internal regulations determined by the Board of Directors.
The Board of Directors comprehensively examines whether shares held as cross-holdings are worthwhile based on risk and return from perspective of medium- to long-term economic rationality, and qualitative considerations such as the purpose of holding and credit status. If this examination results in the judgment that it is not worthwhile to retain cross-holdings, in principle such holdings are reduced. However, if it is determined that holding of such shares will contribute toward the improvement of medium- to long-term corporate value, they are retained. As a result of such deliberation, the Company sold 18 cross-shareholdings (including shares subject to deemed holding) for 8,383 million yen between April 2015 and March 2024.
Assessing the Effectiveness of the Board of Directors
The Company conducts questionnaire surveys of all directors (including Audit and Supervisory Committee members) regarding the roles, functions, and operations of the Board of Directors. The Board of Directors discusses among the internal and external directors the results of the responses being summarized and analyzed, and then the Board of Directors evaluates its effectiveness and discusses future actions.
1. Method of Evaluation
The Company conducts questionnaire surveys of all directors (including Audit and Supervisory Committee members) on the items listed below regarding the roles, functions, and operations of the Board of Directors. The Board of Directors discusses among the internal and external directors the results of the responses being summarized and analyzed, and then the Board of Directors evaluates its effectiveness and discusses future actions.
For preparing the questionnaire as well as compiling and analyzing the results of the questionnaire, we utilize external organizations to ensure transparency and effectiveness.
FY2023 Questionnaire Items
8 items, 28 questions in total
Roles and functions of the Board of Directors
Constitution and scale of the Board of Directors
Management of the Board of Directors
Cooperation with auditing organizations
Relationship with external directors
Relationship with shareholders and investors
Effectiveness of the Nomination and Compensation Council
Progress in the Governance Structure relative to the previous year
The questionnaire not only evaluates each item but also includes open-ended questions about the strengths of the Board of Directors and areas for improvement, and it seeks individual directors' reflections on their contributions to the board, along with any other comments and suggestions they might have.
2. Results of Analysis and Evaluation of the Effectiveness of the Board of Directors
The Company’s Board of Directors is generally considered to be effective, as members with diverse experience and expertise engage in free and vigorous discussions, and outside directors are provided with ample opportunities to gain a better understanding of the Company.
With regard to the issues we faced last year in strengthening the governance of the entire Group, we are working to improve and strengthen the management system of our subsidiaries and provide effective support as well as supervision. With regard to succession planning and executive training, discussions will be held by the Nomination and Compensation Council.
In addition, with regard to the enhancement of discussions at the Board of Directors meetings, we are reviewing management methods, such as separating deliberations and reporting. Furthermore, from the viewpoint of deepening our shareholders’ and investors’ understanding of our company, we will enhance dialogue related to governance and sustainability, and share feedback with the Board of Directors for use in our efforts to achieve sustainable growth in the future.
At the same time, some issues have been identified from this year’s questionnaire as follows.
Need for further enhancement of medium- to long-term discussions at Board of Directors meetings
Need to deepen discussions on succession planning and relevant training planning
Need to enhance the executive training course lineup
3. Future Actions
In order to further enhance discussions, the Board of Directors will consider reviewing the criteria for submission, speeding up the distribution of materials, and adding to the issues of individual themes. With regard to succession planning, deeper discussions will be held by the Nomination and Compensation Council for formulating a training plan, etc.
Furthermore, we will consider the further enhancement of executive training, such as training for conducting on-site inspections, including at overseas bases. Through these initiatives, the Company is committed to ensure further improvement for the effectiveness of the Board of Directors.