TOP Sustainability Governance
Risk Management

Risk Management

The Tokyo Seimitsu Group has established Risk Management Regulations and a Risk Management Committee, which is headed by the president and COO, to identify and manage risks associated with business execution.
Systems are in place to prevent potential risks from manifesting themselves and to prepare for crises. If a risk manifests itself, a Risk Response Team headed by the president and COO is immediately established to respond to that risk and take action to quickly settle the situation.

Risk Management Policy


The Tokyo Seimitsu Group strives to prevent the occurrence of potential risks. If any risk has become apparent, President  and all employees work in unison to take prompt and prudent action.


 If any risk has become apparent, priority is given to protection and saving of human life.

Risk Management System

Risk Management Committee

Committee Chairman

 Representative Director and COO


Committee Chairman, Audit and Supervisory Committee members, managing directors, managing executive officers, senior management, group leaders, directors of subsidiaries, department heads, section chiefs, and advisers

Risk Items and Content

The following risks are assumed to be the risks surrounding the business.


Risks of occurrence of natural disasters and sudden events (earthquake, fire, storm and flood damage, terrorism, etc.)


Risks caused by economic and financial market trends (business trends, fluctuation of currency rates, etc.)


Risks caused by changes in customer investment trends (changes in semiconductor industry, automotive industry, etc.)


Risks caused by competitor and industry trends (price competition, development competition, intellectual property rights, etc.)


Risks concerning public regulations, policies, and taxation (country risk, etc.)


Risks concerning human resources (industrial accident, unexpected incident or accident, etc.)


Risks concerning capital providers (changes in share ownership, etc.)


Risks concerning IT systems (IT system failure, etc.)


Risks concerning the quality of products and services


Other risks associated with business execution

Business Continuity Plan

The Group has formulated a business continuity policy that places the highest priority on confirming and ensuring the safety of employees and their families, maintaining the supply of parts and materials necessary for customers to continue operations, and protecting human life and conducting rescue and recovery activities in the region. We review and adjust the Company’s business continuity plan (BCP) and plant BCPs on this basis. In fiscal 2022, as in the previous year, we continued to analyze assumptions of damage and vulnerabilities of current countermeasures in the event of a threat to each company and plant. Taking changes in the external environment into account, we reviewed and detailed BCPs and manuals from a practical standpoint, as well as measures to ensure the continuity of product supply and service provision, in addition to seismic reinforcement measures at the level of each department, including general affairs, production management, manufacturing, and IT

FY2022 BCP Performance

Reinforced buildings and equipment > Seismic reinforcement work in FY2022: Hachioji ACCT Tower

Diversified suppliers of maintenance parts and consumables for semiconductor manufacturing equipment

Established a customer allocation plan for in-house inventory in the event of a disaster for measuring equipment maintenance parts

Conducted annual DR (Disaster Recovery)* test of the ERP system

Performed management of stockpiles and storage at each plant in accordance with rules for managing stockpiles in the event of a major disaster

The Hachioji Plant has stockpiles sufficient to supply 1,583 people for three days. The Tsuchiura Plant had quantities sufficient for 30 people for two days.

*DR(Disaster Recovery)

Refers to the ability to mitigate damage, maintain functions, or recover and restore an information system that is seriously damaged by a natural disaster or other events. It also refers to the facilities, systems, and measures that are in place to prepare for such a situation.

Safety Confirmation System

We have introduced a Safety Confirmation System for confirming people’s safety via mobile phones and smartphones following a disaster or accident. We explain the system to new employees and enforce early registration. We carry out operation drills twice a year (in June and December) to confirm the system’s effectiveness and to raise awareness of the system among all employees, and use the drill results to perform reviews and disseminate information. In fiscal 2022, we continued to collect final response rate and elapsed time data, and implemented measures for improvement.

Information Security

We believe that it is our responsibility to protect the information assets entrusted to us by our important customers and business partners as well as our own information assets. Accordingly, we have established the Information Security Policy as a guideline for information protection. In response to increasingly complex and sophisticated cyber-attacks in recent years, we are working to strengthen security for information assets, prevent leaks of confidential company information and personal information due to the expansion of the scope of traditional activities, including remote work (working from home), and provide education to improve individual employee literacy. In fiscal 2021, we restructured the Information Security Subcommittee, 
assigning a director in charge of security, a security manager, and a security subcommittee to each company. Group (consolidated) companies also participate on the committee and work together to implement security measures.

Information Security Targets and Results




Number of regular information exchange meetings on information security

18 times

42 times

Number of serious incidents

0 incidents

0 incidents

Proper management of personal information, number of serious personal information leaks

0 incidents

0 incidents

Participation in security-related seminars

Twice per year

Twice per year

Provision of specialized security-related training

Twice per year

Three times per year

Information security training participation rate

98% or higher


Information Security System Chart

Information Security System Chart


TOP Sustainability Governance
Risk Management