As Tokyo Seimitsu Group products are incorporated into production facilities, we consider outstanding quality as meaning the provision of “stable and reliable product quality” and “prompt and meticulous support quality.” In order to fulfill our responsibility to protect the social status and interests of our Group customers, we are promoting initiatives to improve and upgrade quality and service.
At the Semiconductor Company and Metrology Company, we set quality targets and conduct quality control in line with the quality policy set by our Quality Officer, and work to improve the quality of products and support.
Quality Policy
We comply with laws and regulations in products and production, and contribute to society by prioritizing meeting customer requirements.
At the beginning of every fiscal year, each company reviews its quality targets (priority targets) for the previous year, and sets new quality targets for the new year to enhance product quality.
We continuously improve the performance and effectiveness of our quality management system.
We develop user-friendly products by establishing partnerships with users.
We seek to improve quality through total quality control (TQC).
We seek to improve quality through partnerships with subcontractors.
We enhance customer support in business, technology, and services.
We incorporate safety, quality, and reliability in each production process to achieve stable supply.
The quality management system applies to the activities, products, and services of Semiconductor and Metrology Companies.
This quality policy is disclosed internally and externally.
Target and Result
Customer satisfaction surveys
Achieve a satisfaction rating of 94.8% or more by fiscal 2025
Achieved a satisfactory rating of 95.1% in FY2023
Quality Management Based on ISO 9001
Since obtaining ISO 9001* certification at the Hachioji and Tsuchiura plants in 1994, we have established the Tokyo Seimitsu Quality Management System (QMS) and have been promoting quality improvement activities through the PDCA cycle based on quality policy and quality targets. In fiscal 2023, during an certification inspection conducted by a certification body, an inspection was carried out for certification renewal, including for the Hanno Plant which was completed in July 2023, confirming compliance with the requirements of ISO 9001: 2015 and that management effectiveness has been maintained. Furthermore, the charge/discharge testing business which we transferred in October 2023, maintains its certification status since a special inspection was conducted for the business by the same certification body.
* ISO 9001
An international standard concerning systems and mechanisms of management to achieve goals in response to the needs of an organization’s customers and markets, through quality assurance for products and services.
PDCA Cycle Based on Our Quality Policy and Quality Targets

Quality Control Structure
Quality Management Committee
The Quality Management Committee consists of 10 members: One Quality Officer, three officers in charge of business, three quality control managers, and three Sustainability Department members. The Quality Management Committee meets twice a year to review the performance, effectiveness, and appropriateness of the Quality Management System. The Quality Officer reports to the Board of Directors and receives instructions and supervision. In fiscal 2023, there were no quality management issues that required corrective actions to be taken.
Quality Control Structure

Internal Quality Audits
The internal audit team conducts Internal Quality Audits twice a year at the Company. Certified auditors conduct audits in accordance with the quality manual* under the direction of the Quality Control Managers of the Semiconductor Company and Metrology Company, who report the audit results and the effectiveness of the Quality Management System to the Quality Management Committee. During the Internal Quality Audits performed in fiscal 2023, the auditors did not indicate that corrective actions were needed to be taken.
* Quality manual
A manual that defines the procedures for managing Tokyo Seimitsu’s various products and services in accordance with the stipulations of the ISO 9001 standard
Education and Training
We conduct e-learning training for our employees to deepen their understanding about ISO certification and raise their awareness of quality. In fiscal 2023, education on laws and regulations was provided on the topic of exporting hazardous goods requiring SDSs and labels.
Target group: 1,175 regular employees (regular employees of Tokyo Seimitsu Co., Ltd.)
Participation rate: 100%
Supplier Quality Audits
Suppliers who supply many of the parts and components required for our products cooperate in the quality audits that we conduct using our ISO 9001-compliant checklists. In fiscal 2023, supplier quality audits were conducted at 11 companies (cumulative total of 219 companies). There were no follow-up audits conducted as there were no cases of non-compliance with our quality control standards and/or quality requirements.
* Only suppliers who have agreed to check the quality assurance system and implementation status of quality assurance activities
Customer Satisfaction Surveys
To incorporate customer feedback into the improvement and enhancement of our products and services, we conduct customer satisfaction surveys to ascertain customer satisfaction and strive to strengthen it. The percentage of satisfactory ratings in the fiscal 2023 survey was 95.1%, and we are analyzing the results of improvement measures and related factors, and implementing countermeasures needed for improvement.
FY2023 Customer Satisfaction Questionnaire Findings
Semiconductor Manufacturing Equipment Business

Precision Measuring Instrument Business
